
Buddé French Cleaners specializes in the restoration of garments damaged by fire, soot, smoke, odor and water damage.

We feature pick-up and delivery service throughout the greater New York metropolitan area, using our own trucks and vans. We utilize both Passenger and Commercial vehicles for efficient regional dispatching.

Buddé's expert Field Representatives properly accommodate all claim situations. Representatives are linked directly to Buddé French Cleaners via our shortwave mobile communications system, providing better on-site customer support.

  Combined with our experienced, well trained personnel, our in-house transportation ensures accurate On-Location inventory and proper routing of your garments.

Buddé French Cleaners can provide 24-hour emergency turn-around service as necessary.

  Buddé French Cleaner's state-of-the-art plant assures optimum restoration results. We handle specialty formal wear, leather, suede, fur and fashionably trimmed items accordingly. (Dry and wet cleaning as recommended for individual garments).

Our 7,500 square foot building also houses ample facilities available for storage claim situations.

Buddé Cleaner's in-plant Ozone Chambers provide optimum odor removal for garments with fire, soot, smoke, odor and water damage.